The World according to DocBrain

Friday, October 29, 2010

Why a Republican victory may be good for Democrats

Two years ago, it was all about hope and change. No different now. Many people hope that the change to a Republican Congress will change things for the better. If the Republicans do not deliver, disillusionment will set in, followed by apathy, as those who hope for a balanced, middle class dominated America will see that dream vanish.

With the emphasis on no strings giving to the poor and regulation of anything that moves, we cannot survive as a democracy with anything other than an incredibly robust economy. If taxation and regulation stifle growth, we will sink from the weight of government and poverty. Can the Republicans face the heat from turning us around, from requiring the poor to man up and government to shrink in size and control? Think of the coalition of those who will oppose this in print and at the polls.


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