The World according to DocBrain

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The democratic republic of America, RIP?

The foundation of the Republic required those dedicated to the cause to pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. In the US today, can we say that this is the common pledge that all take and believe in? When the rich are asked to part with their fortune and volunteers are asked to part with their lives, all that is left for the rest of us is to provide our sacred honor, to live honorable lives. Can a person be a real American who does none of these? Can a government that takes from the rich and doesn't honor their sacrifice truly be a government of the people? Can a university that doesn't allow recruiters for a volunteer military on the campus truly honor those who place their lives in harm's way to defend the rest of us? Can a person who takes from the government and doesn't try to get off the public dole truly be an honorable person?

The USA has become so diverse that unity of vision and purpose has been lost. Perhaps we have become too diverse a population to remain a democracy. In "Politics" Aristotle predicted that as differences increase, the unity required for a democracy is lost. The struggle for power becomes faction vs faction. This is true in today's America. Will the experimment end, or will we find a new unity?

More to follow in future blogs, but for now, as always, comments are welcome!


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