The World according to DocBrain

Monday, October 25, 2010

Israeli Apartheid

BrotherBrain shared with me information about a meeting that opposes Israel for its policies that tend to maintain Jewish control of the government and keep the Palestinians living in the "occupied" areas as second class residents. Some would argue that it is unfair for the Israelis to act in such a way.

This truly is a situation of Israel's own making, mainly due to the mercy Israel has shown to its enemies. Make no mistake. Those who surround Israel are its enemies. None is willing to openly state that Israel has the right to exist within secure borders as a Jewish state.

Israel (or anyone else) cannot treat enemies as friends. And yet, Israel made the first mistake. Enemies are to be defeated, demoralized and if necessary, destroyed, and the sooner the better. In waging moral and merciful wars, Israel has made an error that both Machiavelli and Aristotle would have found unforgivable. Now, the enemies are playing "victim" on the world stage. The world looks at it and says "If they were really enemies, Israel would have taken them out. So, Israel must be subjugating them with poverty, discrimination and hard labor."

There is no reason why Israel should allow anyone who wants to be a citizen to be one. The power of a nation to choose who will be a citizen, who can vote, and who can hold office is absolute, as no one form of government will work for all groups of people, nor is Israel's situation appropriate for that approach. Only those with no knowledge of political history would see this otherwise. Unfortunately, the time to wipe out the enemy has probably passed for Israel, so tough choices may be needed by them and by us all.


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