The World according to DocBrain

Friday, October 22, 2010

and your point was...

Playmate Centerfold. Professional wrestler. Rock musician. Priest. Telemarketer. Every term that you can use to describe a person brings up a set of opinions and emotions in your head. You don't even need to meet them or talk to them. You know what they are by their label.

For a liberal, the word "conservative" or "Republican" conveys the following descriptives:
1. Stupid
2. Selfish
3. Scared
4. Unsophisticated

If you are trying to speak with a liberal/progressive, these are the words that describe their internal world view of you, even before you open your mouth.

You probably think you can see Russia from your back yard; you want to keep all your money, even if giving a tiny amount would prevent a baby from starving; you are frightened by anyone who is not exactly like you; and you probably think opera is a TV talk show host.

These attributes can not be seen in the liberal/progressive because, well, they are not conservative/republican.

If you think you have been to all 57 states, if you feel it is just fine to golf 52 times in less than 2 years while many are jobless, if you are afraid to stand up for protesters in the street of Iran, and if you consider a Naval health aide a cor p se man, you still can't lose your cred.

A liberal/progressive who sees any validity in anything said by a conservative/progressive is characterized as either a sell-out (doing it for personal gain) or as being psychologically disturbed (since once a liberal, always smart and sophisticated).

DocBrain thinks that the only way to influence a liberal/Progressive is to begin with their own self assumptions: that they are smart, selfless, brave and sophisticated and to get them to use their own skills to create holes in their own theories.


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