The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I am Woman

Many Republican women are running for office this year. These women have deep credentials and strong passions about our country. Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman, and even Linda McMahon all have experience running major corporations. Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell bring enthusiasm and down home common sense. And yet, these women are painted by the media and even by some women as being "unworthy" of public office. An October 22 political story on NPR highlighed how stupid and mean they are. The poster child for stupidity remains Sarah Palin.

And yet, these women have something to say, and what they are saying is resonating with many voters. One could claim that calling a woman stupid or mean is, well, stupid and mean. Ad hominem attacks neither raise your virtue nor prove the validity of your position.

One would almost like to see a debate between the stupidest Republican woman, Sarah Palin, vs the smartest Democrat woman, Nancy Pelosi. Or the meanest Republican woman, Linda McMahon, and the meanest Democrat woman, Barbara Boxer. Now, either of those would be fun! What about a double header pay per view?


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