The World according to DocBrain

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fool's Gold

DocBrain is about to make a circular argument, but that has never stopped him before. He is going to challenge every philosopher that has ever existed. Here goes.

Principle is fool's gold. Every principle is defended against economic practicality by its adherents and therefore is a form of irrationality. Coming up with principles and defending them with emotions and facts is certainly human, but not true gold, as nearly every principle can be defended, and each one places you at odds with others who hold opposite principles. Then, the discussions usually become wars as principles mingle with passions and beliefs.

The only truth is a mixture of principles, an economic, logical, scientific, outcomes based approach that leads to a win-win (or a lose-lose) outcome.

Principle is best used in games, as a way to strengthen and at the same time exhaust our passions.

Nowhere is principle better shown as defective as in politics, where principles are used to divide people who should be united in advancing the ideal society. This does not mean that all the positions that need to be considered have already been voiced. A rational government that fits the population will be the best, not the one based on bumper sticker platitudes. The political process needs to be matched to the society it serves in order for the people to live the best of lives. Many in America, for example, remain committed to democracy, which is rapidly becoming unstable in our society, mainly due to the change in makeup of our population.


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