The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Health Care 2030

What will health care be like in 20 years? While there will likely be advancements in surgical techniques, biologicals and even in some basic pharmaceuticals, the largest change in the USA will be in personal freedom. As we each become responsible for paying for the health care of others, there will be a tension between those who pay and those who receive care. As long as both groups are the same, all will be OK. However, if the groups are different, we will see one of the two scenarios.

1. Domination by the receivers of care. Freedom of lifestyle, with failure to take care of yourself being blamed on your provider, pharma, big business (for selling you things that are unhealthy). Your options for enjoyment of life will be reduced by regulation of things external to you, but you will still be free to live as you want.

2. Domination by the payors of care. Your freedoms will be limited, with fines and even imprisonment for failure to live the healthy life. You will be measured. Your life will be monitored. Any activities that subject you to increased health risk that might increase costs will be prohibited. A fine for not exercising in the right way and in the correct amount. Penalties for fatty foods (or whatever else the government decides you may not eat).

When each person's hand is in another's pocket, these are the only two possibilities. Likely, it will be a combination of both.

But, health care will be "free".


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