The World according to DocBrain

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Enemy of My Enemy

When George W. Bush proclaimed Islam "the religion of peace", there was an air of disbelief. Conservatives were upset as Islam had attacked America and liberals were upset since GWB is an idiot and anything he says must be opposed, placing them in a quandary. In recent years, conservatives have moved to oppose Islam and liberals to champion it, best exemplified by the mosque controversy near the WTC.

But lets explore Islam further. Islam favors a strict moral code for behavior and conduct, is anti-gay and anti woman's rights, issues that ring a positive note with conservatives. Islam opposes money lending for interest, again tying them to conservative values. Indeed, a conservative would find it easier to live under Sharia or Islamic rule than a liberal. A move towards more conservative values in America would make us less upsetting to the average Muslim. Indeed a conservative America would seem more like "Islam lite" than "devil". The common bond of conservatism might help reduce the tensions between Islam and America.

While the attack on America was evil, the battle against Islam could perhaps have a peaceful end if we became more conservative. This would save us blood and treasure. Our only loss would be of liberal freedoms. Liberals are often the biggest defenders of Islam at this time, even though the things that Islam opposes (women suffrage, gay rights) are liberal badges of honor. Indeed, one could argue that since women have had the right to vote, we have had more foreign wars than ever before.

So, perhaps there could be a closer tie between conservative Americans and Islam.


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