The World according to DocBrain

Friday, October 01, 2010

How will you vote?

If you are more comfortable with the way you have voted in the past than encouraged to make a change, you will vote the same in the future.

If you are more passionate than logical, you will vote according to your passions. If you are more logical, you will determine what is the best vote for you, practically speaking.

Those who are worse off now than 2 years ago, or who anticipate that the laws enacted over the past 2 years are likely to increase personal hardship in the future are likely to vote Republican unless they have an illogical passion driving their vote towards Democrats. Similarly, those who are better off now than 2 years ago, or who anticipate that the laws enacted over the past 2 years are likely to decrease personal hardship in the future are likely to vote Democrat unless they have an illogical passion driving their vote towards Republicans.

Most voters seem to choose by habit (comfort) or by passion (who energizes them with rhetoric).

DocBrain finds it refreshing to see Tea Party members being concerned about the true economic impacts and the impractical approaches of government. While the Tea Party seems opposed to Democrats now, it is really opposed to anyone and anything that uses government to create friction or harm within the practical, economic sector of private American life. The Democrats have become the emblem of the passionate, principle-driven lawmakers, who would sacrifice the comfort of the many for the benefit of the few. The principle of helping the vulnerable is not a practical one in isolation, and true courage is not reflexively following this principle, but understanding the whole issue logically and finding a practical solution. This is the core problem the Democrats have come up against as their chickens are coming home to roost. The Democrats say that their programs have not had enough time to work, but of course that is absurd as their programs are neither logical nor practical, so they cannot work efficiently, if at all. The answer to problems is not to feel the passions and act on them, but to understand problems and practically solve them. The Democrats, in relying on passions and not on logic, have actually declared war on segments of America. The concept of demonizing segments of the population is not only illogical, but actually justifies those holding the opposite position. There is truly no logical difference in saying that the fat cats owe the rest of us their money and saying that the poor should be placed into forced labor camps. Both are emotional, principled positions, although one principle may resonate more with you than the other.

DocBrain believes that the Democrats have helped all of us to see what is really important by showing us how bad a government can be. The Republicans, should they win the day, will have to man up and approach problems practically and logically if they expect to keep their victories.


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