The World according to DocBrain

Friday, March 23, 2007

Illegal Aliens

Why do they come here?
  • Jobs, where even the lowest paying job pays better than your native land
  • Great welfare system for unemployed
  • Great health care for anyone, regardless of ability to pay
  • If your child is born here, it becomes as US citizen, no matter how you got here
  • Great education for your children
  • To be with family who are already here

Why do we have a problem with them?

  • We don't want to be cruel by sending them back, by denying them food and shelter, social support services, etc.
  • They are cheap labor, filling a need
  • They are numerous, too many to deal with through the court system without creating financial burdens for all of us
  • We have some degree of admiration for them, as most are hard working, industrious, and have shown the initiative to come here in a desire to get ahead, as most of our ancestors did.
  • We have made many hurdles for legal aliens. Have you ever been at a highway construction site, waiting in line behind many cars to merge, taking your turn, when a car speeds along the berm of the road and cuts into line ahead of you? You follow procedure and you are penalized; someone else doesn't and is rewarded. Imagine if you never get through the construction zone because too many people cut into line. Imagine then, that if you try to do the same thing, you get arrested because of your country of origin. Well, that is what is happening. If you tried to do what Mexicans do and if you are from Iran, imagine what would happen to you! And, you might not be a terrorist, just someone with the same motives as the Mexican.

Any solution will need to take into account all of the above. Liberals want to appear "sensitive" to the Latino population, but this is just bias and prejudice against those who are not Latinos. Conservatives want to enforce laws, but the press and the liberals spin this as anti-Latino bias.

Our government has become too much under the control of divisive politicial strategies to accomplish good for the people. DocBrain will make only one point here:

The purpose of the US government is to serve the people. The people are/should meet all the following criteria:

  • Citizens
  • Taxpayers (DocBrain thinks that the US government divided the American people by creating and enforcing an income tax system. Prior to the federal income tax, all Americans were, and should be, full citizens. Since then, only taxpayers should be full citizens, as those who do not pay taxes can vote to enslave the taxpayers to pay more and more, and this is what we are seeing. This burden increases from generation to generation and is despicable at a federal level, where we should be united. This, DocBrain believes, was counter to the desires of the founders of our country. It has produced nothing but further and further separation of people and is one of the worst things our government has ever done!)
  • Free men and women (not those currently in prison)
  • Alive (nods to Chicago and Philadelphia where the dead vote early and often)

If you have any power in government, help the citizens: that is your only job.


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