The World according to DocBrain

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Paradigm shift

DocBrain has had a paradigm shift. Thanks to CousinBrain (and Dennis Prager), DocBrain now understands liberals a lot better than before.

DocBrain used to think that liberals had things all thought out just like conservatives and had determined that their position was good because the outcome was good. DocBrain now realizes that liberals desire good things, but then don't have follow through. They have no idea how things will work out, just that doing something that feels good is good.

Here is something DocBrain learned today. Raising the minimum wage is good (according to liberals) because minimal wage workers will get more money. But what is the follow-through on this? Well, here is one: Walmart is going to stop using greeters. These senior citizens and minimally skilled but friendly individuals will now join the unemployment line. Nice! We still will have our Walmart specials, but in a slightly less kind store. Maybe these workers will find other jobs. Maybe not. But, liberals can feel good as these unemployed people scrounge for a job.


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