The World according to DocBrain

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Celebrating Failure

DocBrain is concerned that people confuse social freedom with social good.

Race, national origin and sexual orientation are three characteristics that no one has control over. How can one justify laws against any of these?

Taking from others (criminality), what one consumes or inhales or injects, cleanliness, fiscal responsibility, politeness, keeping one's word, and consideration for your children's well being are all learned behaviors. There clearly can be societal rights and wrongs in these categories. Ideally, these rights and wrongs would be based upon some facts or data.

Fatherless homes account for 63% of youth suicides, 90% of homeless/runaway children, 85% of children with behavior problems, 71% of high school dropouts, 85% of youths in prison, well over 50% of teen mothers.

While one may argue the harm to a child being raised in a home filled with conflict, the above statistics are very revealing.

Certainly, no one should be forced to live in a home where there is severe physical or psychological abuse.

Adultery is a difficult subject, since it is so common and has so many different causes and different definitions. By definition, it is a violation of the contract of marriage. If the violation is based upon the other spouse's violation of the marital contract, it is revenge, which is unethical. If it is a primary violation, it is a sign of inability to keep one's word. In either case, it points to an internal personal weakness. It also points at times to a failure of marital partners to keep their marital contractual vows. The marital ties should be strong before a child is created, thus reducing the likelihood of adultery. The decision to separate based upon adultery should be weighed against the impact on the children and the nature of the adultery. A way to absolve adultery is needed, through understanding the root cause, genuine remorse and atonement.

Lastly, addictions can spin a person's life out of control. Better societal approaches to management of addiction and abuse are needed to preserve marriages with children. Perhaps, one of the greatest benefits of religion are the rules that govern social interactions between husband and wife.

The largest problem, however, is with women who have never married. They generally have children in their teens or early 20's. The pregnancy does not follow social committment between man and woman, but just occurs due to carelessness or often out of a desire to "have someone who loves me and needs me". Children of never wed mothers fare the poorest of all.

Children are the victims of single parent homes. Sometimes, it cannot be avoided, but, when it can, it should be. The parents need to subjugate their own desires to the needs of their children and this should be the social standard. Raising a child as a single parent should be viewed as a tragedy, not something to rejoice or celebrate.


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