The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, February 03, 2007


What is right or wrong? What should we do? How should we go from here?

These questions could apply to many different circumstances, but the answer always begins the same way: "Let's have a meeting."

The USA is obsessed with group decision-making, especially on the left. DocBrain thinks this is because, under the concept of diversity, there is no absolute right or wrong and everyone can have their input/say/15 minutes/perspective/whatever. While DocBrain believes on doing research and getting different perspectives before acting, decisions need to be where the buck stops and not by a bunch of orangutans who can suppress new ideas or trash the tried-and-true.

While two heads can be better than one, it is also true that an alpha dog can lead a pack away from trouble or to the promised land.

You might disagree with DocBrain, thinking about how well things went in your last committee meeting or on the jury you were on, but also consider the other group-thinks: lynch mobs, pogroms, Jihadists, and KKK rallies (to name just a few hate groups). Then, you might think how slow, dull, boring, plodding and indecisive are most meetings.

Groupthink can sometimes be good, sometimes bad. Just don't confuse the process with the solution.

DocBrain may have more to say about this, but first he must convene a panel...


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