The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Census Sense

According to the US census 2000:
  • 75.1% of the population identify themself as white
  • 12.3% identify themself as black or African-American
  • 3.6% identify themself as Asian
  • 12.5% identify themself as Hispanic/Latino (not a racial, but an ethnic identity)

According to a recent TV show:

  • 40% minority employment and board of directors membership is the goal that will get you cited as being non-racist.
  • A meeting of diversity officers was shown, and it appeared to me that most, if not all, diversity officers for major corporations, were black or African-American. This suggests to me an under-representation of Asian, American-Indian, Hispanic and other minorities as diversity officers.

Here are the racial business problems as seen by DocBrain, listed in the order of importance:

  • Minorities who are racist; resistance against the melting pot
  • Family structures and communities that promote learning, politeness, respect given and earned vs those that do not
  • Role models
  • Financial support to optimize one's potential
  • Whites who are racist

Those who make a living off of "diversity" of course see this differently. Undoubtedly, they see white racism as the chief problem. The promotion of this paranoia leads to toxic reactions, seen in our society such as doing good in school described as acting "white". There is a natural tendency to stick with your own, but in the US, your own should be fellow Americans, regardless of race, religion or national origin. Furthermore, I am unaware of "diversity" experts looking at black owned businesses to make sure they employ 60% non-minority, just to be fair and unbiased. The concept of "diversity" judges by race and is therefore racist.

The focus should be on raising children to be good thinkers and grounded in the basics of a good education, politeness, open to others of different backgrounds, and brought up in a family ruled by love and earned respect. This is where we, as a society, need to focus our funding, laws and efforts. Not on "diversity".


  • There are two circumstances of acting white. The first is academic and the more researched and talked about, wherein black students are derided, usually by other blacks, for studious behavior. The second is over arching and far more damaging, with blacks rejecting a wider swath of advancing behaviors which they have come to associate with whites. In place of these advancing behaviors, they substitute counter-productive actions often branded as cultural, in an attempt to defend their authenticity.

    In the latter case, the result is a reduction or failure to assimilate behaviors that are intellectually, emotionally, and economically advancing to the group. What remain are blacks holding themselves at the rear of the opportunity line, long after whites have removed the shackles of slavery and institutional racism. The impact of this loss of contribution of the group on the country is quietly devastating.

    Economically, the loss can be calculated to an astonishing $440 billion, per year, in goods and services that blacks do not generate, relative to the rest of the country. This amounts to just over 3.8% of year US Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As part of this loss, blacks suffer a significant loss of income, and resulting benefit.

    Intellectually, blacks feel the impact through poor academics, under performance, high dropout rates, reduced higher education pursuit, and general feelings of inferiority compared to other groups, particularly whites. This real disparity of resulting skills translates into reduced employment, lower wages, and slower wealth accumulation. Emotionally, blacks suffer greater comparable stress related impacts, including heath problems, interpersonal challenges, and a lower general quality of life.

    The acting white phenomena began when W. African slaves were first delivered into this country in the 1500’s. The accusation has evolved from laws first enacted and long enforced by whites to bar blacks from developing skills that would advance the group, and challenge white control. Even as legal barriers came down, policy barriers maintained the majority objective that blacks should not assimilate the behaviors that would develop the skill base for propelling them into the American Dream.

    In the last 50 years policy has reluctantly recognized the cost of its anti-assimilation strategy, forced upon blacks, and has largely eliminated it. However, blacks remain significantly in a state, or mind set, of anti-assimilation whereby many members of the group continue to freely reject the advancing behaviors their ancestors were earlier denied by law. This scope of rejection has grown to include lawlessness and violence perpetrated inside and outside the group, resulting in a soaring black prison population.

    We, including individuals on all sides of the issues, have yet to come to effective terms with the evolution and remnants of anti-assimilation attitudes and policies, fostered for 400 years by the white majority, and now independently operating within the black community, to the increasing detriment of the entire country.

    James C. Collier

    By Blogger James C. Collier, at 2:53 PM  

  • Thanks for the historical perspective. As you point out, acting white is really acting American: going for the American dream of education, innovation, participation, and social and economic advancement. Previously denied to the elderly, women, non-whites and religious minorities, that goal is now possible for everyone. My point is that, in the current atmosphere, coercing organizations to hire based on racial quotas is less beneficial in the long term than focusing on the root causes. I believe that hiring practices are not the most important root cause anymore. I like your website! Keep up the good work!

    By Blogger DocBrain, at 6:04 AM  

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