The World according to DocBrain

Friday, December 28, 2007

The purpose of government

Simply put, the purpose of government is to provide for our needs so that we can provide for our own wants. And, the government should do this in a cost effective way that is open to inspection and review of the citizens.

First are the group needs. We need, as a nation, to be safe from foreign intrusion that might take away our lives, liberty or freedom to pursue happiness. To that end, we need diplomats, ambassadors, foreign intelligence, and a military to discourage aggression against us. We need to be self sufficient in these areas, including the R&D needed to keep ahead of potential enemies. It is the honor and duty of all citizens to fund this part of government.

Next are our individual needs. We need to be free from intrusion by our government and our neighbors on our lives, liberty, property, and freedom to pursue happiness. We need to have a strong infrastructure that provides for these internal needs. A fair and quick court system. Police, fire, and health services. Food, shelter and clothing for those who have none. A clean and healthy environment. We need to fund the R&D that keeps us ahead in each of these areas as well. It is the honor of those who earn money to fund this for themselves and even for those who earn little or nothing.

Basically, everything else can be classified as wants. How do we satisfy wants? We work for them. We pay for them as individuals and perhaps donate them to others who are less fortunate. In this way, we become closer as individuals and are able to do good. It is the honor of each of us to do this for ourselves, to be all that we can be.

Some things will be easier for those with money, such as acquiring things that money can buy. Some things will be easier for those without money, such as having a free spirit to explore the edges of artistic freedom and individuality. Like the game Shoots and Ladders, people rise and fall, sometimes in their lifetime, sometimes over several generations. Anyway, this is all about wants.


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