The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Here we go, Pittsburgh, here we go!

The recent mayoral election in Pittsburgh, PA demonstrated that party loyalty is more important than issues. With the slogan "I like Luke" and as the representative of the Democratic Party, the intellectually miniscule Luke Ravenstahl defeated (can you say "crushed"?) Mark DeSantis, an accomplished businessman and intellectual giant. Easily.

Pittsburghers are Democrats. Have been. Always will be. Not the intellectual, open society type of Democrats, mind you, but the anti-homosexual, anti-diversity, union belonging, hard drinking, pro-war type that are the backbone of the rust-belt Democratic party. No matter how much the Democrats screw up Pittsburgh, their cry will be "Yeah, but imagine how much worse it would be if a Republican was in charge!"

The results are not only an insult to Pittsburgh, but will certainly lead to a reaction within Allegheny County against any merging of city and county government.

'n dat.


  • Here in a land of "intellectual, open society type of democrats" Kennedy and Kerry are continually reelected to represent. Niece Brain has no hope for any democrats.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:48 PM  

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