The World according to DocBrain

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kiss me, I'm a liberal

If you are a liberal, this should make sense to you. Just as in a community there are rich and poor, hard working and the less motivated, the prejudicer and prejudicee, so in the world there are countries of different ability and motivation. While the populations of some countries may be enslaved and oppressed, can this be any different than the enslavement and oppression of individuals either by external factors or by internal devils?
  • There should be a one world government that overlies the individual countries. The OWG would see to it that the bounties of the earth are shared among all countries. To that end, the rich countries should be taxed to re-distribute money to the poorer countries. There should be a minimal GNP/citizen, that is subsidized by this tax on the rich countries.
  • If new industries are to be developed, the OWG should give the underdeveloped countries priority in having these industries within their borders. It will help make up for the inequalities of the past.
  • If an underdeveloped country attacks a developed one, we should try to understand their reason for aggression rather than respond to it. It is probably due to the oppression they have felt.
  • Any attempt to control hostilities caused by underdeveloped/undercapitalized countries is probably due to prejudice against them.
  • The leaders of each country will be required to attend a public education program at the OWG headquarters.
  • Countries can make any kind of pacts and associations they want, and all, no matter what they are based on, will be celebrated.

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