The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Wants and Needs

DocBrain needs a new car. I really do! My old car works just fine, but there is a really nice AWD foreign sedan that I really like! It is only about $35,000. Just respond to this post with your email address and I will give you an address where you can send your check to help me with my purchase. If you are living on a limited fixed income or earn less than $10,000/yr, please do not send me anything. Otherwise, just let me know how to tell you where to send the money.

If you are sending me the money, thanks. If not, there are only three reasons why you wouldn't do it.

First, you don't have the money.

Second, you don't believe that I need a new car. You believe I want a new car. A person in need creates a desire to help. A person who wants but doesn't need something is usually on their own.

Third, you don't believe I have the ability to (legitimately) force you to give me your money. If I were king, I could command my troops to take the money from you if you did not comply willingly. Resistance would be futile. So filled with resentment, you would just fork it over.

Does any of this seem familiar?

Many wants are framed by lobbyists and politicians as needs in an attempt to pander to constituents. Similarly, many needs are ignored in an attempt to pander to constituents. Don't believe me? Think about it!

How do you decide if something is a want or a need?

DocBrain believes that needs are in a way inalienable. Without them, there is no life, liberty or pursuit of happiness.

For example, here are some things DocBrain considers needs: oxygen, clean water, nutritious foods and supplements, exercise or other physical activity to keep healthy, knowledge about what is unsafe and dangerous in the world, shelter, clothing for modesty and to protect against the environment, facilities to keep clean, personal space to be alone, companionship, purpose for living, someone to take care of you in your infancy and childhood until you are able to take care of yourself, and health care to keep you comfortable, well and alive.

Our government has no trouble taxing us for some of these, but refuses to provide for all the needs, ignoring some in order to curry favor by providing some wants instead.

Many children are born into situations where no one takes care of them. CYS is such a slow, blundering bureaucracy that these children are permanently damaged before they can act. Nowhere is there a federal law about exercise. Our laws about healthy and unhealthy food choices are more based on information rather than action. We give money to the poor but do not check and see if they use it to satisfy needs. If we really care about people, we will help them with their needs, and let them do what it takes to satisfy their own wants.

The problem with liberals is that they purport to care, but really just want to appease. Wants are placed above needs for votes and to accrue power. Needs are diminished when a strong posture would cost votes.

Conservatives tend to reduce the number of needs to a small subset, creating true need. At least conservatives leave the community to handle the unanswered needs.

What we need are people identifying, framing, and labelling a strong position where we, as a society, address the true needs of people and leave the wants to individuals to achieve through their own efforts. Empowering people such as Bill Cosby, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, and JFK, among others, have raised the bar as to what we should strive to as individuals and as a society.

Just protect all our children from unfit parents, more strongly encourage healthy lifestyles, keep our streets and neighborhoods safe, and I will buy my own car.


  • The liberal left does the wordplay game of making wants into needs and then into rights. They believe their house of worship --government -- is the only solution to provide for the new found rights. The problem is that rights are something we have that does not require taking from others. Thus government cannot give rights.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:54 AM  

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