The World according to DocBrain

Friday, October 12, 2007


Jews again are stuck in the middle.

One one side, there are the liberal, anti-religious elements and on the other, the conservative "true believers" who see one religion as the answer to world strife and human perfection. Many Jews believe that remarks such as Ann Coulter's represent the honest opinion of most Christian conservatives that political correctness has suppressed. This is the main reason why many Jews still vote Democrat and against their interests. I'm sure that if the primary religion in the USA was Muslim, we would be hearing someone proclaiming the imperfection of Jews as measured on the Islamic yardstick.

It goes without saying that Jews also harbor prejudices and passions. But, as a small group, all we can do is kvetch. And if we had more power, DocBrain hopes that the years of oppression would lead to a more tolerant approach.

Being a Jew is a choice. Is it a choice that should impact others? If so, what individual choice doesn't? So, we get to the slippery slope of choices. Do away with the individual's right to choose and you do away with the concept of individuality, one of the elements of freedom.

The founders of the United States declared pre-emptively that religious choice was acceptable, so this issue should be off the table. Yet, DocBrain has heard much worse than what Ann said from a Bible Belt Christian against Catholics just a few years ago. So, the flames of religious intolerance persist, both within and beyond religious communities. I doubt that a true Catholic would see all Christians as being equally "saved".

The key issue here is that politics require a coalition of voters and comments that marginalize or alienate groups based upon some basic right or attribute are just counterproductive and wrong on a practical level, if not a moral, ethical, legal or spiritual one.


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