The World according to DocBrain

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Root Causes of War

The above website lists the root causes of war. As is often the case, strategy and tactics get confused with root causes.

Wars occur because someone wants to exert power and control over someone else quickly, and someone else wants to resist that control.

The main things people want to control are beliefs, wealth, property, and lives. Wars occur because of impatience. If one truly believes in the strength and rightness of one's cause and if one is patient, then victory will occur eventually without war.

Some people see wars in non-lethal conflicts, such as trade and influence. They then feel justified in upping the ante to lethal conflict or in criticizing those who use these measures to create wealth, acquire property, or change beliefs. If one accepts this as true, then everything is a war. DocBrain believes that one of the purposes of life is to advance knowledge and comfort. This can only be done by challenging the status quo. Good ideas, products and services will thrive over less good ones in a free market without the need for force or regulation as long as there is unfettered diffusion of knowledge.

While wars cannot occur if one does not resist aggression, some things are worth defending. Such things include: democracy, tolerance, free trade and capitalism, and families.

Anti-war movements thrive in countries that have democracy, tolerance and free trade, but do not do as well in oppressive, intolerant and controlled societies, precisely where these movements should be focusing their activities. To point to efforts to improve life as provoking conflict is to miss the entire point of human existence.


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