The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

'roid rage

DocBrain has been pointing out the similarities between professional wrestling and politics for some time. The latest news brings more of this to light.

  • Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son, then took his own life. What a tragedy! Underneath it all, something drove him to this action. Was it some type of frustration at work, as he was recently reassigned to a different wrestling schedule (ECW) and did he consider this a demotion? Did he take it out on his wife and child? Or, was there friction in the home? Was his wife argumentative, hostile, questioning, and nasty to him? Did he react violently to her provocations? Go over the top? Did he kill his son because of Fragile X syndrome? Did Chris carry Fragile X? Chris was a wrestler trying to live in the real world. Reality crashed down on him.
  • Randy Cohen, ethicist, donates to and finds no ethical conflict between this and ethics. While a person can have biases, and perhaps all of us should have some biases, as these are the lessons of life, one cannot pose as one with an open mind. This is one of the quandries of ethics...being passionate about rightness and yet open minded. It would seem perfectly obvious to anyone involved in ethics that extreme bias makes you too uncentered to have equipoise. Randy tried to pull the kayfab, where what you pretend to be is not what you are. This is what drives the world of pro-wrestling.
  • Elizabeth Edwards calls Ann Coulter to ask her to stop the over-the-top criticism of her husband. Yet, did she call on her husband to stop the over-the-top criticism of obstetricians? How about of George W. Bush? Or of Republicans? Did she publically address Whoopie Goldberg's tirade 3 years ago? Or any of the over-the-top comments by multitudes of Edwards supporters and fellow Democrats and liberals? "Bush lied". What has Elizabeth Edwards said about that? Many liberals oppose the war in Iraq as being a self-serving conflict that brings jobs to Halliburton and oil to the US through big oil companies. Yet, Elizabeth Edward's comments can only be seen as self serving on behalf of her husband. If liberals and Democrats want to see our country be more altruistic, then they should step up to the plate and be more altruistic in their critique of the shrill voices. Edwards was responding to the insults of a true political-wrestling icon by calling her out. I can hardly wait for the bra and panties match! Right here in [fill in the name of your town]! Holla if you hear me!
  • Rosie O'Donnell dresses her daughter up like a little soldier. Of course, the wrestling fans remember "Major Gunns"... WCW's attempt to sexualize and exploit the image of military women. Rosie, is this an attempt to get a reaction from the men who fancy both little girls and military women? Or, perhaps an attempt to get your daughter some "recognition" like Lohan, Hilton, or Spears? Rosie, this costume has been done before in pro-wrestling. Find something else to copy.


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