The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, July 05, 2007

You're not the boss of me

If I were king...
  • All criticism would be constructive; destructive and pointless criticism would be a punishable offense.
  • Freedom would trump equality
  • Rules and laws would be few but rigorously enforced
  • Any changes would be followed for their impact, and the changes would be modified (or scrapped) to optimize their impact.
  • Malice would be a punishable offense.
  • Taking of something belonging to another without their free consent would be punishable under the law (this includes wealth, land, life, dignity, feeling of safety and comfort).
  • Self serving vices would be allowed as long as they did not impact others. If you have amassed enough wealth, for example, and want to be lazy, OK. But, don't expect others to support your laziness.
  • All crimes would be dealt with as learning experiences: once a person has felt regret, demonstrated remorse and has made restitution, they would be able to return to society.
  • Lifelong learning would be the duty of every one.
  • Trying to make the world a better place would be the prime directive.
  • Charity to others would be encouraged as the prime way to help those in need, with "pay it forward" as the expected response to the receipt of charity.
  • The above rules would apply to those within my kingdom and only for my subjects. Those who entered my kingdom legally would have to abide by my rules. Those who entered illegally would be forced to swear allegience to me or be returned to their native land.
  • My laws might be harsh to some (if you need something expensive and cannot afford it and if no one is willing to help you through charity, you might be out of luck).


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