The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The great disillusionment

Thomas Freedman has said that the world is flat, by which he means that communicating across the world is as easy as communicating across the hall. With this flattening has come the realization that traditional news sources do not have a monopoly on the truth.

Many people had come to believe that the traditional sources of news were fair and balanced, but as we seem to have found out, this is not true. Some tellers of stories suppress information, alter details for more impact, or even outright lie to make their point. So, to counterbalance this (by providing some additional facts and different biases) other sources have sprung up. Initially, this was mainly Fox News and conservative talk show hosts, but as time has moved on, more people have stepped up to the plate. Bloggers and people with cell phones at the scene of events have given new perspectives.

The latest trend is going to be full exposure of the political process. It may turn out that our worst fears are correct about most politicians. Just what effect this will have on the political process is still unknown, but DocBrain thinks that there will be a flattening of the political world. As more is known about the inner workings and inner souls of our politicians, we will expect more from our elected officials than just lip service to some idealistic platform and "business as usual" once the election is decided. DocBrain predicts the eventual demise of the two party system in the USA, as people break free of old habits in favor of building a better America.

People can decide based on knowledge or passion. Passion usually is in terms of fear or trust. People can choose based upon self interest, enlightened self interest or altruism. Whatever people decide, at least they won't be under the deceptions foisted upon them by the current system.

As this presidential campaign warms up, we are already seeing the diffusion of information through alternative sources. The impact of seeing our candidates in candid moments will undoubtedly lead to more opportunities for finding Achille's heels. Blunders, gaffes and other miscalculations will not be able to be suppressed. We will not be surprised to find more deceptions than just suppressing past foibles such as infidelities and drug use or current pandering such as changing your way of speaking to connect with different people. We will become acutely aware of the difference between reality and image.

If the movie "The Matrix" is an allegory, we will now be able to see through the sham that is the political arena to the reality underneath. This liberation will produce fear and suspicion, but will also enable us to truly move ahead.


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