The World according to DocBrain

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette

We get this newspaper for only one reason: our dog likes to bring in the paper in the AM for a dog biscuit treat. I would have dumped this paper years ago but for this one redeeming quality. As our poor dog is getting up in years, I do look forward to dropping this paper like the piece of trash it is. I rarely look at it anymore, but on Sunday, my wife asked me to read a letter to the editor. This AM, much to my regret, I glanced at the front page for the first time in months. This is not the paper to read if you are trying to keep a normal blood pressure!

Let's see how you view some of the Post Gazette's dealing with "the news".

According to the Post Gazette, Hamas is an organization that runs after school programs. Yes, this is how Hamas was described in a front page article several years ago. When I spoke to the editor, he stated that he had no control over what the news wires sent him and had to publish it as is or not at all. Apparently, they could not or would not add anything anywhere in the paper to distance themselves from this distortion of the true nature of this organization.

Today, a front page, above the fold, article referred to Donna Moonda, the calculating murderess of her husband Dr. Moonda, merely as a widow. The article was blatantly biased in favor of sparing Mrs. Moonda from the death penalty. While I also am opposed to the death penalty, I found the adjective "widow" inappropriate, insulting, and callous, to say the least. The writer might as well have described Mrs. Moonda as a blonde, prior health care worker, high school graduate or any other appellation that has no bearing at all upon the reason she was highlighted on the front page. While an overzealous writer could be excused for going over the top to express her biases, an editor has the duty to be truthful (that is RELEVENTLY truthful, for any editor who doesn't know ethics). Mrs. Mooda should have been labelled a murderess, as the true reason she is a widow is that she arranged for her husband's execution.

A letter to the editor on Sunday proclaimed that the University of Pittsburgh had spent thousands of dollars to influence the mayor of Pittsburgh in a way that would be favorable to the university. Why wasn't this covered as news on the front page? Why was the only "coverage" a letter to the editor from a distressed reader?

This newspaper is an embarassment and an insult to the great city of Pittsburgh!


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