The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I want my $$$!!!

DocBrain has had it!! DocBrain provides health care services within Pennsylvania and is paid very little for the work he does. DocBrain is a patient in Pennsylvania and pays a high premium for his healthcare. DocBrain also pays taxes to the state. The insurance companies are rolling in money. There is something very wrong with this picture.

DocBrain gets little for his efforts, pays large amounts in taxes and pays large amounts for health insurance. The insurance companies, in bed with the state government, keep massive (billions) of dollars in "reserve", have enough money to give a bribe of hundreds of millions to the state "to help the uninsured" to get approval for mergers, advertise at football stadiums, buy buildings, donate MY money that I would rather donate myself.

If you are a Pennsylvanian who earns a living, you are being ripped off! Even if you believe that your doctors and hospitals are being paid enough, you should demand financial responsibility from your health care insurer to either give you more services or to return some of your money to you. You have overpaid for your health care. They are squandering your money on buildings, advertising, "charitable contributions", influence buying, and even giving it to pay for health care for the uninsured. This is not capitalism, as entry into the insurance industry is regulated.

If you live in Pennsylvania and this doesn't make you angry, tell me why.


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