The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, July 19, 2007

DocBrain is anti-ebcot, among other things!

We are an enlightening society. It is no longer acceptable to be racist or to have religious prejudice. But it must be acknowledged that many prejudices are based on something else, which transcends any one religious or racial group. DocBrain believes that the main problem is that we are lacking the proper words in our vocabulary to describe what we really dislike and so default to stereotypes which are insulting and erroneous, to say the least. So, DocBrain has come up with some new words which should have no social baggage and should enable us to be free to say what we really don't like. It goes without saying that these words apply to anyone of any race, religion, citizenship or national origin who meets the criteria.

Vam = Violent adolescent male
Yumwow = young unmarried multiparous woman on welfare
Hamow = healthy adult male on welfare
Ebcot = employed but cheating on taxes
Dodo = drugged out drop out

So, really, we walk down the streets of our town, afraid of the vams who travel alone or in packs. Our hard earned income goes to pay yumwows, who, while trying to live out their youth, fail to provide properly for their brood of children, often with disastrous results. Meanwhile, hamows and dodos give nothing back to society and ebcots get an undeserving free ride.

Whether you believe that any of these people are responsible for the lives they live or society has let them down or left them behind, DocBrain can't help but find something unappealing about each of them. Users and losers, all. DocBrain thinks it is our duty as a society to do all we can to have less of each of these types of people.


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