The World according to DocBrain

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Its not easy being green

DocBrain is worried about the environment. Not worried, as in not sleeping at night, but worried as in tsk tsking when he sees waste. DocBrain's liberal friends think that the only solution is to tax gasoline so high that only the rich and the government can afford it. DocBrain thinks that a plan to keep oil out of the hands of the poor sounds un-liberal, maybe even conservative.

DocBrain thinks that before we take oil out of the hands of the poor folk, we ought to look at other options: alternative fuels; roads designated for small, efficient cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles; relaxation of controls on public transportation allowing more entrepreneurs to run shuttle services (think: jitneys).

DocBrain thinks that conservatives like to conserve things as well as political systems. So, conservatives can be green. Not the envy shade of green for those who drive big cars, but forest green with the desire to preserve the world's resources.

DocBrain took a photograph of a windmill yesterday in an upscale residential neighborhood. It is old, but still runs and looks cool. I wonder why Ted Kennedy doesn't want some in his neighborhood? Maybe he is worried some endangered species of bird will be caught in its spinning blades. But, I doubt it.