The World according to DocBrain

Monday, April 24, 2006

The President is so stupid...

How stupid is he?

That is how the joke goes. So, DocBrain decided not to be funny, but to use mathematics to find out exactly how stupid our president is and to compare him to other presidents. But, first DocBrain needed a point of reference. So, he chose a moron. Morons are well known to be stupid. DocBrain googled "stupid" + "moron" and got 4,540,000 hits. That is a lot of people believing that morons are stupid. But, how does that compare with, for example, googling "George W. Bush" + "stupid"? DocBrain did the heavy lifting and here are the google statistics for our presidents as compared to the hits for a stupid moron.

President .............. is ..........times as stupid as a moron
George W. Bush.......... 3.96
William J. Clinton .......2.08
JFK.............................. 1.31
R. Reagan................... 0.54
J. Carter..................... 0.49
R. M. Nixon............... 0.39
DD Eisenhower......... 0.18
FDR............................ 0.16
HST............................ 0.14
GHW Bush................. 0.11
Gerald Ford.............. 0.10
LBJ............................ 0.10

Albert Einstein........ 0.30 (for an intelligent reference)

So, according to the internet, Gerald Ford and LBJ are the smartest presidents in recent history and are smarter than Albert Einstein. Richard Nixon is smarter than a moron, but JFK is not. And Clinton is the second most stupid president in recent history. Actually, only three presidents are dumber than a moron and two of them are Democrats. The average Democrat president has a 0.71 score as opposed to the average Republican of 0.88. Signs of superior intelligence appear to be lifting up your dogs by their ears and easily tripping and falling. 50% of our last 12 presidents were smarter than Albert Einstein.

DocBrain leaves analysis of these statistics up to the reader.


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