The World according to DocBrain

Friday, April 28, 2006

Good Times

DocBrain sees civilization slowly rolling uphill over the centuries; finer and nobler living coming from the inspiration and perspiration of many who have come before and are here now. DocBrain is honored to have many role models in his personal life to follow: relatives, friends and those known only from afar. If DocBrain's world did not include such people... well, lets not go there, as this is a piece about optimism.

At the end of one's days, I imagine it would feel good to have been a contributor to the chain of positive events and progress.

DocBrain thinks that if you are too pessimistic about people and too optimistic about government, you will be a communist and if you are too optimistic about people and too pessimistic about government, you will be a libertarian. For every "shining city on the hill" there will be a tower of Babel. For every Schweitzer there will be a Hitler. So, tempered optimism is DocBrain's motto. Believe in people and in the power of groups to change the world for the better.

DocBrain salutes the good people and the good organizations.

Some good people do not like to be in the spotlight. DocBrain thinks the world needs heroes and heroines, role models for involvement in good deeds. So, if you are one of those people who does good deeds with little recognition, who tries to fly under the radar, DocBrain dedicates this post to you. Thank you for everything and keep up the great work.


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