The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Intent vs Effect

Does effect = intent?

Some examples:
1. DocBrain is opposed to illegal immigration, as immigration should be lawful. Most illegal immigrants are Hispanic. Therefore, DocBrain is biased against Hispanics.
2. DocBrain believes that security guards in government offices in DC should have the right to stop and question any visitors they do not know. Security guards stopped an african-american woman who did not want to be stopped. Therefore, DocBrain is a racist.
3. DocBrain believes in reform of the welfare system. Most people with IQs of <60 are on welfare. Most people with schizophrenia are unemployed. Therefore, DocBrain is biased against the mentally handicapped and the mentally ill.
4. DocBrain is opposed to racially motivated college acceptance programs as he believes in a racially blind system where people are judged by their abilities and the content of their character. Most who benefit from these programs are african-american. Therefore, DocBrain is a racist.

If you listen to politics today, do you get the impression that effect = intent? That evil or dumb intents are placed upon those responsible for actions and policies that produced less-than-optimal effects?

Here is an example, if you don't get it: We fought in Iraq. Some of the post-war civilian contracting went to Haliburton. Therefore, the intent of Bush/Cheney was to find more work for Haliburton.

DocBrain does think that attributing intent to others is one good way to increase misunderstanding and hate in the world. This mental exercise is one of assumptions, and we all know that to assume is to make an ass out of u and me.


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