The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Your choice of employment has been scaled back by one

Yes, that does mean that you have been fired.

Apparently, as long as what you are doing is in some way legal, even if it is not ethical, it is incorrect of anyone to say something negative about you.

DocBrain recently heard of a dedicated public servant with over 10 years of dedicated service to the poor, who, upon having to deal with a very young, single woman drug addict on welfare with 4 small children each from a different father, wrote some negative comment about her copulatory proclivity in a legal document. Of course, he was immediately fired.

Since she was doing nothing illegal, he was clearly in the wrong for commenting upon the lifestyle she has chosen. Scientific study has shown that her choice of lifestyle will lead her children to a lower probability of purposeful lives, but protection of the innocent is still not a good enough reason to comment upon a person's legal choices, according to the public servant's employer.

Political correctness was originally intended as a way to empower people to make a better life, as words color each of our understanding of ourselves and our opportunities. So, calling someone a moron (see below) interferes with our understanding of that person, with their perception of themselves, and with their attempt to better themselves, as we will deal with them as morons and they will see themselves as morons. But, does that mean we should not have values? Does that mean we should not apply values? Does that mean that all prioritization of values are of equal merit? And, does it only work one way, from the powerful/majority towards the disadvantaged/minority? Can words hurt the powerful or the majority?

DocBrain thinks that a hand works best when connected to a wrist. DocBrain is not opposed to philosophically considering the advantages and disadvantages of connecting a hand to the ankle, but would want serious research before recommending this for general use. I guess this makes DocBrain a conservative or even a reactionary in modern America.

DocBrain sees no value in placing equal value on all lifestyles, especially those which have been clearly demonstrated to produce significantly greater probability of harm to future generations. A life of undereducation, underemployment, crime and addiction is not a good thing, and any mother who fosters and abets this in her children is not a good mother. And telling her so, directly or indirectly, is not a bad thing.

DocBrain thinks that using values based upon superstition or other illogical considerations is wrong headed, but that using knowledge to create and apply a reality based value system can help all of us to have better lives. And, just because something is legal doesn't make it ethically valuable.


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