Pleasure Principle
Few who have opined on the massacre in Tucson have it right. Everyone seems to be looking for reasons for Jared Loughner's actions. Why did he choose those people, that site and that time? While these are interesting questions, they really are not pertinent to the event. The driving force behind the event was pleasure.
Take one look at Jared's face and you can see the rapturous pleasure, the feeling of having completed an act that unified all the positivity within him.
- His body, highly trained by practice with firearms (and, although not mentioned, likely with first person shooter games). Reflexes honed. The well-trained habits of using firearms with precision.
- His thoughts, confused, but focused on finding someone who would be the ideal target for his gun. A woman? Young? Famous? Bestowing notoriety on himself! And she talks about guns! And local, easy to find.
- His emotions, pleasure from shooting his gun and imagined pleasure from killing, from shooting a living person at point blank range. Pleasure from the reactions of those around her who will cower in fear, scream and moan. All fulfilled beyond his wildest imagination. How fun to kill in first person shooter games! How fun to shoot a real gun!
- Flow. It all came together so smoothly. Arriving at the scene, ability to get close to his target and ability to carry out his fantasy to perfection. In the zone, firing at will, watching the targets fall. Nothing too challenging but all new and exhilarating.
- Higher purpose? He had none, other than his own self fulfillment, his own self mastery, and perhaps, a desire for fame and notoriety. Mission accomplished!
Those who approach this event from the rational perspective just don't understand that rationality was not his forte. Those who look for anger and fear as motives have only to look at Jared's face to realize the error of their assumptions. This is one happy young man, having fulfilled his fantasy.
How do you prevent things like this from happening in the future? Not by fixing civil discourse or by getting rid of gun related analogies or by eliminating guns. It is by recognizing individuals who have no compassion for others and who achieve pleasure from evoking fear. These characteristics, especially in young men (who have less impulse control as is their nature) are the (pardon the expression) correct targets. Individuals with these characteristics need to be carefully watched, redirected, educated and retrained. It is the failure of politics to allow the mental health professionals to be the masters of these individuals.
As usual, the politicians do not see it is their abuse of power that allowed this to happen.
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