The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Mosque at Ground Zero

Lets think this through logically.

The Conservative
There should be no mosque or community center near ground zero.
  • The US was attacked by Islamic fundamental terrorists.
  • The "Cordoba" project harkens to the concept of building a mosque at the site of a victory over unbelievers.
  • The Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's book title "What's right with Islam is what's right with America" is translated into Indonesian as "A call to prayer from the WTC rubble, Islamic Dawah from the heart of America post 911". Dawah is the concept of Islamic conversion. Choosing the site of an attack on America and capitalism as the place from which to start conversion of the American people to Islam doesn't sound quite right.
  • Opening date of 9/11/2011. Sort of makes you think that this "community center" has a 911 agenda and its proximity to ground zero is not a coincidence.
  • Similarly, Sharif El-Gamal, the main financier behind the "community center" has a somewhat shady and violent past, and sees no link between the location of the mosque, Islam and the 911 attacks, but refuses to consider relocating it and has chosen the above date for its opening.

The Progressive/Liberal

There should be no mosque or community center at or near ground zero.

  • "God is dead"; "Imagine no religions"; more people have been killed in the name of religion than in any other cause. This is just an attempt of one religion to stoke the fires of religious hatred. No good can come of this.
  • Islam is anti-gay, limits freedom for women, and still allows slavery
  • While as a progressive I might accept some "spirituality", all spirituality is equal and the same. Islam still has the concept of superiority and the aim of conversion (Dawah), which is just an antagonizing force.

The Pragmatist/Globalist

There is no need for a mosque or community center at ground zero. The most efficient and unifying thing that could be done there would be for all the Islamic nations to pool their resources, rebuild the WTC and donate it to America to show their support for the USA and capitalism. The USA could then donate some of the proceeds from rent to the families of those who have lost loved ones in the attacks.

The Support for the Mosque

Those who quote the Constitution to support the mosque are in general those who in other situations believe in legislating from the bench; that the Constitution should be a "living" document, that experts should overrule not only the will of the people (ie, California voters on marriage) but also the Constitution. Why this and now?

The only explanation that makes sense is that this is a CIA Op. A place near ground zero to attract would be Islamist terrorists like a roach hotel. Indeed, the Imam has worked with the FBI in the past and is now being toured through the Middle East, sponsored by our government.

And how do you get the fundamental Islamic radicals to join up? Simple. The selling point "Ten years ago, we used American planes against America. Today, we use America's legal system against America."

So, what should we, the people, do? I am tempted to delete this post, as it may weaken the clandestine efforts of our government and that would be wrong, but I believe that few people happen upon my blog, so I think it is safe. Comments are welcome, as usual. And if you are from the government and want this post deleted, I will be happy to comply!


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