The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Self Mastery

How can a slave be identified? A slave is a person who is not his own master. What things can be used to control slaves?
  • Violence
  • Fear
  • Bribery

If you discover that any of your actions are due to any of these three factors, then you are a slave.

What drives a free person, a person who is his own master? Again, there are three forces

  • Peace
  • Courage
  • Enlightened self interest (actions that, if everyone did, would serve you as much as anyone else)

It is certainly a sad thing if people are slaves. It is tragic when those who rule others are slaves. While many would say that the greatest misery of humanity is when those at the top impose slavery on the masses, DocBrain would also postulate that it is more likely that those at the top are slaves. Think of all the evil doers and ask yourself "Were these people motivated by peace, courage and enlightened self interest? Or, were they motivated by violence, fear and bribery?"

When we see our politicians in action, do their words and deeds favor one position or the other? Do their actions have data as well as reason to show that they are in one camp or the other?

Some Examples

Global Warming. If you are motivated by fear for our planet, if you believe in energy credits to change behavior, you are a slave. If you look at the situation, see a need for individuals to conserve energy and do it yourself, you are a free person. Your actions will encourage others to follow suit.

Illegal Immigration. It is in your own interest that all people in the US who are capable of working earn their own way. Your citizens cannot be subject to fear. So, those here illegally who are working at jobs that citizens don't want should be allowed to stay. All others should be returned to their point of entry.

Taxes. Ideally, taxes would be few and limited, only enough to protect citizens from bribery, fear and violence. This would leave enough wealth in the private sector to foster enlightened self interest through fair competition for jobs, open opportunities to establish businesses, and freedom to trade with others for mutual benefit. The problem with higher taxes is that the money coming in actually empowers those in government to be able to exert bribery upon the citizens and exposes those in government to being bribed themselves as they are wined and dined to use their positions to divert funds in one direction or another.

As usual, comments are welcome!


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