The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Free to be equal

BrotherBrain had this interesting take on the future of politics: liberals will soon come out against freedom as a "dirty" word.

Wait a minute, you say. Aren't liberals those who are for freedom? Well, no. Not really. They are for equality, which is a completely different thing.

Freedom is the ability to use your talents and resources as you will. Certainly, your freedom is limited by reality (the rules of math and science) and practicality (see prior posts). Your freedom is also legitimately limited by the rules of the land, but how intrusive should these rules be? When should the common good trump your freedom?

Liberals see inequality as a reason to trump your freedom. Perhaps you might agree with inequality of opportunity. You may even agree with inequality of money for equal results. But, would you take it to the next level? Inequality of money for any effort, job or result? Inequality of talent?

Here is my challenge to a liberal who is contemplating equality as being the be all and end all: medical science cannot yet make people smarter, more talented, or more driven to succeed; medical science cannot restore functioning limbs to those who have none, nor sight to the blind or hearing to the deaf. We can, however, do the opposite. We can cut away brain sections and body parts and take the brightest and most gifted persons and make them no different than the least of us. In the spirit of equality, DocBrain will help pay for any prominent liberal who wants to shrink his/her brain and body down to the abilities of the least of us. DocBrain will be pleased to help this equalization process.


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