The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The art of war on poverty

Sun Tzu applied for position as general of King Wu's army. As a test, King Wu had 180 beautiful women sent to be soldiers under Sun Tzu's command. Two women, favorites of the King, were placed in charge of the others, with Sun Tzu as the supreme leader. He told them and demonstrated to them how to march and act as soldiers. When he ordered them to action, they laughed and did not do as they were told. He assumed that he did not give the orders clearly and again instructed and demonstrated what was expected of the women. He then commanded them into action, but again they laughed and did not obey. He then decided that they were on their own volition disobeying his orders and therefore by extension the will of the King. He had the two women leaders beheaded. From then on, the women did all that he asked of them.

This is the story of Sun Tzu and how he made an army out of women. We have many poor people in America. Are there ways to escape poverty? Some would argue that good parenting, school attendance, a focus on achievement and not on excuses, and respect for one's own dignity all lead to people marching out of poverty. So, why not a poverty army? With instruction in good parenting, mandatory school attendance, and focus on achievement? Remedial courses for those who just can't get their acts together. And then, harsh punishment for those who do not get and stay with the program. If courtesans can be made to march through fire, then the poor can be made to dignify their own lives and advance those of their children.


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