The World according to DocBrain

Friday, August 06, 2010


Is it appropriate for there to be an Islamic mosque at ground zero? This makes as much sense as a white supremist reflection pool in Oklahoma. Perhaps the Israeli airforce could bomb the Empire State Building so there could be a synagogue in midtown Manhattan! It is self-serving and not an olive branch to world peace.

The World Trade Center was a symbol of capitalism. It was destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists, creating (or at least widening) a rift between the West and Islam. While many in the west have tried to calm the fears of citizens, little has been done by Islamic countries to mend fences, in the name of Islam.

DocBrain has a solution.

Islamic countries should pool their resources and rebuild the WTC in Manhattan. They should then turn it over as a gift to America, as a symbol of their solidarity with America and support of capitalism (which, incidentally, has made many of them quite wealthy). We have accepted symbolic gifts before (ie, Statue of Liberty), so no problems with lack of precedence. This gesture would cement the relationship between the west and compassionate Islam. While no building can replace the loss of loved ones, this gesture would certainly show that most Muslims stand with us and not against us.

Comments are welcome.


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