The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Problems with Liberalism, Part 2

2. A liberal believes that health care is a basic human right.
  • As liberals do not accept that God definitely exists, where do they get the referential source of their belief in "rights"? A right bestowed upon humans by...who or what? Natural law is basically the law of tooth and fang, the law of primitive drives, is self centered and perhaps in some species tribal, but not universal, unless we believe in the exceptionalism of homo sapiens. And why would WE be exceptional? Are we not just another species? Could it be merely a right of power, that those in power command upon those not in power? A right that can be denied by the next ruler who sees it differently? Not an absolute, but a matter of force, of might making right? Of the will of the majority crushing upon the minority? No more or less a right than the right to own slaves? Our Declaration of Independence refers to the Creator, which cannot be scientifically proven to exist and therefore exists outside the liberal referential authority. Do we rely upon the great thinkers to tell us what our rights are? Who decides what thinker is the great one?
  • Every right carries with it a responsibility. If a person has a right to health care, then another person has the responsibility to provide that care. Every right that takes, to some extent, enslaves another person to give. Health care is no exception.
  • Where is the basic human responsibility to live as healthy a life as one can, so as to impose as little burden upon others to provide for one's health? That responsibility is passed on to others, to provide care for preventable disease and injury that the one with the "right" to care felt no duty to prevent.
  • As usual, Liberals have this all backwards. Again, their failure is due to a lack of understanding of the scientific underpinnings of human nature and a desire for command and control rather than optimizing the true good nature of humans (yes, as documented in scientific experiments...look it up if you don't believe me).
  • The Reality: Some people have the drive to help others, to feel pleasure or happiness from providing care, if not cure, for the ill. They feel in the zone when they are focused on helping or upon studying to master their craft. Creating an environment that encourages and optimizes these individuals leads to more and better care for all. Ideally, making these individuals financially secure would lead to a drive to personal excellence in helping others. Care would then flow from those who love to provide it to all who are in need. (No, financial security would not lead to laxitude. That is not what the science shows, although it might be what you believe if you are a brainwashed liberal who does not believe in science...this has all been established by the scientific method...look it up).

In summary, if you want to remain on this planet for a while, take good care of yourself. Nothing in medicine beats prevention. When you are unfortunate enough to become injured or ill, as we all have or will, you can rely upon those who feel the need to be experts at taking care of you. They will be there for you, whether or not you have money to pay them, providing the government has not poisoned the system thru onerous burdens that sap the will of those who would love to help heal you. And remember that insurance companies exist by the good graces of government. The licensure that insurance companies obtain from government provides a barrier against competition and is one of the sources of the higher costs. If you look carefully at how expensive health care is in America, it is government that has made it so. It is the use of untested rules and regulations that have fouled up delivery and raised costs. Yes, much of the blood and treasure lost in the pursuit of health care are due to government chickens coming home to roost.

End of Part 2


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