The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Culture, Politics and Economics

The goal of any country is to have all three in harmony.

  • This is the way of life, the customs, beliefs and myths that drive a group of people. Ideally, this is unifying and not divisive. For example, the American Way
  • Unless it includes the key values for determining right and wrong, good and evil, ethical and unethical, moral and immoral, a culture is only an empty shell of itself.
  • The concept of multiculturalism breaks this unity, especially when each culture has its own value system. By definition, they will be in conflict with each other unless they have been dumbed down by excluding or muting their core values.


  • This is the government, the laws of the land, the way the people are expected to behave and serve others via taxes and public (military) service.
  • Politics should express the values of the culture. This becomes problematic when multiple value systems are in play (see above)


  • This is the engine that runs a country. Jobs, income, goods and services.
  • This also should be in harmony with the values of the native culture.

While the colorful traditions of groups add to the variety of life, the presence of conflicting core cultures within a single society will lead to conflict and chaos unless they can be unified.

In the USA, we now have a conflict of cultures, a conflict of core values. The myth that I grew up believing was that America was founded by those who believed in individual liberty, you are free to make the most of your life; no one defines you. The new myth is in group identity, getting yourself identified in the most appropriate groups; making sure your groups get their fair share of the pie.

Only when our government reflects the mainstream culture and respects the economic underpinnings valued by that culture will the people respect the government.


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