The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, April 03, 2010


DocBrain may have blogged on this before, but in the wake of our President declaring himself an African-American, a restatement is in order.

DocBrain is offended by anyone who uses the format *-American to describe himself. A person can have only one supreme master philosophy or value system. That value system ideally should be tied to the country in which you are a citizen. Any other attributes should be of secondary importance. This is particularly true in America (see my prior post).

So, how should a person define himself? First of all, as an American. Then, if you wish, some superficial designation of lesser significance.

  • American-African not African-American
  • American-Jew not Jewish-American
  • American-Christian not Christian-American
  • American-Muslim not Islamic-American
  • American-White not White-American
  • American-Gay not Gay-American
  • American-Steeler Fan not Steeler Fan-American
Your primary overriding loyalty should be to your country, especially one that allows you the freedom to be the second part of your designation.


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