The World according to DocBrain

Sunday, April 11, 2010

More fallacies

The Myth of Equal Opportunity
No such thing. Perhaps equalish opportunity. No two people are quite the same. Many factors beyond government control will unequalize opportunity (birth sequence, month born, intelligences, emotionality, baseline mood, focus [ie, detail vs overview], to name but a few). The book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell pretty much explodes they myth of equality.
Artists Should Be Liberal/Progressive

If all writers are equal, why should I buy your book? If all painters are equal, why should your painting have any special meaning to me? If all songwriters are equal, why should your song have any special meaning for me? If all actors are equal, why should I want to see any movie you are in? You see where this is going. While not all the cream rises to the top and not all at the top is cream, there certainly is a tendency for the talented (as judged by their audience) to rise. So, great art is about exceptionalism, not equality. Freedom of expression is important and a key element of an open society. The ability of any art form to shock, offend or even repulse its audience is not a reason to prohibit it. However, not all cutting edge art is good, and not all mainstream art is trite. Art is about freedom to be exceptional, to be noticed, to say something impactful to someone else.

The Myth that Change is Good
Just because something is new doesn't make it better than before. Just ask anyone who used Microsoft Vista or Me. Often it is the devil you know vs the one you don't. Just because it sounds good doesn't make it so. "New and Improved" often is recalled or updated.


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