The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Problems with Liberalism Part 1

While DocBrain could summarize the problems of liberalism in a pithy statement or two, I thought it would be best to take it apart piece by piece, showing the fallacies of the liberal mindset. Liberalism is to reality what cult is to science. Liberalism is based on beliefs that do not hold up upon inspection but sound profound to those looking for an easy answer. Without further ado, lets delve into the basic tenets of liberalism.

DocBrain has scoured the web to find how liberals define themselves. If you think I miss any of their defining points, please add a comment. Also, if you have any additional ideas to support or refute liberalism, please let me know.
1. A liberal cares about other people.
  • Does this mean that all liberals care about others, or that if you care about others you are a liberal? Discuss!
  • This idea of caring was given a good jab in the ribs by Rado and Ragni in the rock musical HAIR "Do you only care about the bleeding crowd? What about a needing friend? I need a friend..." Some of the most liberal people I know have the ability to spit venom when they are crossed or when some names are brought up (ie, Bush, Palin, O'Reilly, Fox News). Caring begins in the home and in your social network.
  • Is caring always letting people do what they want? By the liberal litmus test, neither the rich person who desires to hold onto all his money nor the poor person who desires to sit at home idly instead of contributing to society are liberals.
  • Is caring about others about yourself, about feeling good about your caring, about using your power to force others to contribute to the welfare of others? Or is it about actually helping other people achieve greatness? About watching the student become the master? What if the steps to mastery are hard, require personal grit, determination, perseverence in the face of adversity?
  • Is it caring to say "Don't worry. You don't have to. I will carry your burdens for you." Or is it "You can do it! When you see the view from the mountaintop, you will find it all so worthwhile!" Science says: the second answer is the correct one. Don't believe me? Look it up! ("Why should I look it up? Why don't you put your references here DocBrain?" Read this entire bullet again, Grasshopper.)

So, the summary is that liberals care about the feeling they get when they think about the misery of other people. Perhaps some even care about the feeling they get when they are able to coerce others to contribute blood or treasure towards what they believe will help reduce the misery of others. Reality is that other people who live lives of misery live in their own realities that require adjustments to achieve happiness and most of the adjustments are internal (no, they are NOT mostly external...look it up). The little good that coerced external changes do is undone by the coercive factor and the flaws in "The Plan".

End of Part 1


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