The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My friends, and all of you are my friends...

When DocBrain took public speaking in high school, his teacher used the above line as an example of triteness. It is where you go for flash and no substance. In professional wrestling, they call it going for the cheap pop from the audience. This is somewhat funny to watch on TV, but only because those playing and those being played are both in on the act. "How are my favorite fans here in Philadelphia!" The Philadelphians pop, but they also know that the same wrestler will use the same line in Des Moines tomorrow night. Unfortunately, this nudge and wink does not seem to be what is happening in politics, where it seems that no one is getting the joke.

The Congress sends an unpassable bill to the President filled with cheap pops: "Remove our troops from Iraq according to this quick, unrealistic, and now public-to-our-enemies timeline" and of course, here is some much added on pork to pop our local local constituents. In wrestling, the one who doesn't give the cheap pops is, of course, the heel, the bad guy. So, in sending this on, they have tried to place President Bush in the role of the heel. If only he would play the game, but apparently, he didn't get the script, so he is talking about doing the right thing and finding the best approach to fund the war, get the troops home, and avoid spending on possibly wasteful projects that should be considered each on their own merit.

Pelosi seemed to be fighting back tears on the news this morning as she pledged to work with the President to reach a solution.

DocBrain finds it so funny when people see politicians as faces and heels. Life is too short to make Congressional politics just another house show.


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