The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Healing from within

DocBrain is pleased to see that, in spite of nearly 50 years of free sugar thanks to the well-meaning but short-sighted welfare system and "affirmative action", the African-American community is healing itself, weaning off of the tasty but dangerous. Broken homes, drug and alcohol abuse, children as income streams, drug dealing as a respected career choice, a culture of underachieving, short time horizons, use of language that excludes and isolates, fostering of racism with external blame for internal problems and internal protection for the undeserving is beginning to be openly debated, debunked and questioned. Initially, this critique was by the ignorable "right wing sell-outs" such as Bill Cosby, Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell, but it is now gaining steam, with Barack Obama standing up for progress. New voices such as James Collier ( are also coming to the forefront of this debate about the future direction of the African-American community.

As an external observer, DocBrain does not have the "street cred" to comment in depth on this issue. DocBrain sees the true dividing lines in society as not by skin color, but by behavior, values, and social class (how other people see your worth). Class is attained either by birth or achievement. When by birth, it is by the achievement of prior generations, to be enhanced or squandered. DocBrain would be as uncomfortable around Condolezza Rice as around Queen Elizabeth, not a race thing, but a class thing. DocBrain believes that by focusing on behavior and values, anyone can raise their class. Doing this without parental support, from a broken home, with peer pressure in the opposite direction, and with a safety net of "white racism" as a defense against criticism, makes success virtually impossible. With no irrefutable data to support the contention of "genetic inferiority" and with the collapse of almost all racial barriers, there is becoming no where for an apologist to turn but inwards. DocBrain might drive by your neighborhood with the doors locked, but he strongly hopes that you are starting the process that will lead to your grandchildren and his grandchildren equally earning the right to sit in the boardrooms together.


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