The World according to DocBrain

Monday, September 04, 2006

In for a win-win

Immigration is a contentious issue. Who should be allowed in? Who should be allowed to stay? Who should be kicked out?

DocBrain thinks that immigration should be win-win, at the very least!

The Immigrants
  • Usually come looking for opportunity denied in their native land, but occasionally for other reasons, such as to reunite with family or to escape harm.
  • Some come for the comfort of being cared for by societies that treasure all life.
  • Some come to cause mischief.

The country receiving the immigrant

  • May have needs unmet by the current population
  • May have limited resources that cannot support all who would come for family unity, comfort or refuge.
  • May have limited resources, legal restrictions, or inability to find those who would come in and cause harm.

The immigrant's prior country

  • May or may not have need for the immigrant's skills or labor

So, immigration is an issue with multiple impacts. Immigrants usually have more moxie, more drive than those who stay behind, and therefore deprive their native land of that character trait.

The question is: what part of the good in the world should be evenly distributed and what part should be distributed according to some other formula (country of residence, heredity, performance, effort and/or luck)? How we answer this question determines the fate of humanity. DocBrain thinks that some elements have to be win-win, and immigration should be one of those issues.

More on distribution of good next time.


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