The World according to DocBrain

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Following Iran's lead

The leaders of Iran have a dream. It is to have nuclear power plants. This is in a country that has virtually unlimited petroleum reserves and easy access to fossil fuel. While skeptics might think that Iran's motive is to create nuclear weapons, lets consider the fact that Iran is trying to wean itself off of fossil fuel. This is like a quit smoking program at R.J. Reynolds or having fisherman boycott fish.

What are the advantages to weaning off fossil fuel?
  • Less pollution
  • Saving a limited resource
  • Eliminating dependence on others for our energy needs

If we accept that these are truths of fossil fuels, then we should be even more committed to weaning ourselves than the Iranians.

DocBrain thinks that we need a twilight of gasoline in America, much like the end of leaded gas and the end of standard TV.

Here is DocBrain's solution:

  • Annual limit to the number of gallons of gas that an individual or corporation can purchase, weaning from 100% of current use to 50% within 10 years.
  • No sales tax on purchase of alternative fuel vehicles and 50% reduction in sales tax on hybrid vehicles.
  • No tax on alternative fuels for 20 years, giving time for the technology to become economically sound.
  • Encourage private and government funded nuclear, wind, solar, geothermal and water power generation systems, with research to reduce the loss due to friction and other losses during energy production.


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