The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

War 1.0

Once upon a time, war was very messy. The goal was to right past wrongs. Many people would die, some combatants, others civilians. Children were routinely killed to prevent repopulation of the enemy army. Women were killed or raped. Villages were burned. The enemy was crushed. You get the picture.

Now we have war 2.0 where no one except combatants are expected to be harmed, no infrastructure harmed. This is even true when the combatants hide and fight within civilian areas. We saw this in the Iraqi invasion and now in the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict. The enemy is lightly spanked. Nothing more brutal. The goal is to make the world better in the future, to prevent further harm.

In the current Middle East conflict, one side is being held to the war 1.0 guidelines while the other held to 2.0 guidelines. Why? No argument makes sense to DocBrain.

The best that DocBrain can figure out is that it has something to do with the concepts of "brutality" and "fairness". Even in war, one should not be brutal and one should always play fair. Never bring a gun to a knife fight. While DocBrain is a strong believer in doing the right thing, the future as well as the past must be considered in any conflict.

Those opposed to Israel always point to the past for justification for waging war 1.0, while Israel looks towards the future as justification for waging war 2.0. Most news media view the conflict within this guideline. As the future moves through the present to become the past, nothing changes in the minds of those opposed to Israel as the past cannot be changed. Basically, the world keeps waiting for Israel to move to war 3.0, where it capitulates in a Shmoo-like attempt to please those who oppose it.

It is sad that few demand that the enemies of Israel look to the future instead of the past.


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