The World according to DocBrain

Friday, August 04, 2006

Mad Mel

In the world of political correctness, we are cautioned never to say anything that might upset anyone. We also know that the surest way to make a monkey out of a man is to quote him. We also know that people have been harmed and killed because of ideas, often tied to bigotry. So, what do we do with Mad Mel?

What is true:
  • Some(one) of the conflicts in the world today does involve Jews (Israel)
  • Jews have often been persecuted and killed just because of their religion and customs
  • Mad Mel managed to link these two with the aid of alcohol and a distorted upbringing.

It is not so much Jews that cause world problems as the reactions to them. Any sober person would know that, even a Hollocaust denier. In a world where, if you are not mainstream, you can either opt out of the system or try to win in a biased system, Jews, like many Asians, have tended to try to win in a biased system, while other cultures have tended to fold in anger and resentment. This has bought animosity for Jews and lately also for Asians. Conversely, it has bought a form of superiority-based compassion towards "those less fortunate" ie, African-Americans and some Latino-Americans.

The unfortunate thing for Mad Mel is that his words reflect a distortion of reality that has been at the heart of anti-Semitism. The outrage is that this distortion is still present in those who should know better, even when wallowing in hydrocarbons.

Mad Mel does not need DocBrain's advice. He knows that good deeds and kind words heal wounds.


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