The World according to DocBrain

Friday, July 14, 2006

Reality vs Idealism

DocBrain was visited by a member of the Sierra Club today. The representative was trying to get DocBrain to donate to the Club by pointing out that drilling in Alaska is bad, that oil companies are bad, that nuclear energy is bad, that wind and solar energy are good, and that placing wind turbines in places that might spoil the view of Ted Kennedy is bad.

DocBrain thinks that Kennedy is bad for not walking the walk; that it is the auto manufacturers and not the oil companies who bring us vehicles that run on fossil fuel; and that money given to Alaskan citizens is less likely to wind up in the hands of terrorists. DocBrain thinks wind turbines are cool looking and would love one in his back yard. DaughterBrain has a windmill near her house. DocBrain is jealous! The Sierra Club can put one in my back yard anytime they want (as long as it doesn't violate zoning laws).

DocBrain thinks that the Sierra Club is an organization that has excellent principles, but is impractical, political, and if empowered would act dictatorially to reduce freedom, pleasure comfort, and probably your right to bear children. There is no way that wind or solar power will be sufficient in the near future for our needs. Nuclear fuel remains the one best alternative to fossil fuels in the short term. I find it paradoxical that the Sierra Club believes us to be altruistic and yet is afraid that nuclear waste might become a weapon or be left unprotected.

The failure of the Sierra Club to effectively impact America is due to it's over-the-top political leanings and it's inability to create an atmosphere of enlightened self interest. DocBrain is a tree hugger and will not support the Sierra Club.


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