The World according to DocBrain

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

This Post was made with Intelligent Design

Natural selection is the process by which the environment chooses survival. So, unfortunately, cancer may initially respond to chemotherapy, but then a clone of cells will be resistant to the therapy and will regrow and be harder to control the next time. We see similar effects with bacteria and antibiotics with resistant strains spreading across populations. We even see it in politics, where John Edwards, resoundly defeated both within his party and by general vote, has re-emerged as more resistant to losing, but, like the bacteria or the malignant cell, no better for America. In his case, we would have to invoke intelligent design, since it is evident that Edwards has been doing his homework.

Which brings DocBrain to the question of intelligent design. Rational scientists hold theories that may be disproven. Once disproven, they move on to another theory to prove or disprove. When a creationist moves away from a theory, it is called "fall back positions" by those opposed to the idea of creation. So, when there is strong evidence that the world wasn't created in 7 days and creationists move away from that idea, they are still seen as idealogues. Creation cannot be disproved, so say the scientists, so it is not a real testable theory. I wonder if there is some universal "biological gravity", a force, perhaps explainable by physics, that moves organic processes in a specific direction. Imagine a pinball game, where balls come in from the top and bouncing here and there, eventually wind up at the bottom. This is one way of thinking about evolution. It is interesting to DocBrain that physicists are more religiously inclined than biologists. Perhaps it is because physical laws are more than the study of phenomenology.

It is also interesting that those who eschew natural intelligent design are not opposed to human intelligent design aka, genetic engineering, while many who believe in natural intelligent design are opposed to human based intelligent design. I guess it depends on who you see as being intelligent. The designing/cloning/breeding of humans who would be resistant to disease, malignancy and trauma is possible.

DocBrain also wonders where new species come from, especially where a male and a female are needed. If one organism takes a quantum leap to a new species, who or what does it breed with? And if it backbreeds, do the progeny fall half way? If so, there must have been at least one superhuman in the past. And if it is siblings that the superhuman bred with, then I guess we all owe West Virginia an apology.


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